Not a lot to see here, but my peas are gone (apart from their roots which are still in the ground). 60mm of home made compost was applied as a top dressing to the (no dig) soil and covered with mulch for about 3 weeks to attract worms and get the microbes jumping. The mulch was moved to one side and climbing beans sown 30mm deep and 100mm apart in 2 rows spaced 200mm apart. The relocatable climbing frame was moved into position between the rows and the soil protected with a wire net tunnel to keep the pesky blackbirds out. Once the beans were up, some of the mulch was replaced to help retain surface moisture. The wire tunnel will be removed when the beans get big enough to reach the frame and the rest of the mulch will then be moved back around the plants. |
Welcome; I'm a keen organic gardener, and I use Ecobeds to make my vegetable patch drought resistant, sustainable and productive. I use homemade compost and compost tea to make my plants healthy and pest resistant without using poisonous chemicals. My main aim is to make gardening easy and to produce wholesome delicious food for my wife and myself. Happy gardening. John Ashworth 1st February 2020.