I added a new page to this blog a few days ago. Its my propagation plan which I use to control the supply of seeds and seedlings to my Ecobeds at the right time for optimal performance. I've been following a plan like this for years on a microsoft spreadsheet, and its reasonably well developed. I use the phases of the moon to determine the best time to sow seed and transplant seedlings. It seems to work well and I get good germination as a rule, wasting very little seed. As you can see in the photograph, I still haven't quite mastered sowing carrots. I am going to have to start measuring more accurately how much seed I add to my bottle of light sand before I sprinkle it onto the soil. If that doesn't work I may have to revert to sowing them in rows. It does demonstrate, however, how well the crop germinated in the ideal conditions provided by a biologically active soil and a constant water supply despite our cold winter weather in Melbourne this year. I have already had one go at thinning this lot, but I'm afraid I've got a rather tedious job ahead of me. |
Welcome; I'm a keen organic gardener, and I use Ecobeds to make my vegetable patch drought resistant, sustainable and productive. I use homemade compost and compost tea to make my plants healthy and pest resistant without using poisonous chemicals. My main aim is to make gardening easy and to produce wholesome delicious food for my wife and myself. Happy gardening. John Ashworth 1st February 2020.