Wednesday, 31 October 2012

October 2012.

My dwarf orange tree is full of blossom and new leaf.  It has lived in this wicking bin in the same soil for over a year and is growing well and producing fruit.

I top dress the soil in spring and autumn with compost, blood and bone fertiliser, chicken manure pellets and small amounts of rock dust and potassium sulphate.  A 50mm layer of sugar cane mulch is maintained all year.
The 5 ecobins above are home to 2 raspberry plants, 2 tomato plants and a rhubarb plant.  They were planted in early spring and are doing very well.  The dwarf meyer lemon tree in the ecobed is full of blossom and young leaf growth.  It was heavily pruned when transplanted into its new home in late winter, and is recovering well.
The 2 tomato plants above are planted in ecobins sunk into the ground to increase overhead space in my small lean-to greenhouse.  Planted at the same time as those in the other ecobins, they sure are enjoying the warmer more protected conditions.  The greenhouse will need to be well protected with shade netting later in the year as the heat of the summer takes its toll.
The wild wet and windy conditions in Melbourne during the past few months have taken their toll on this ecobed.
  • The onions in the bed are growing well, but have been battered a bit by the wind.
  • Since commissioning the bed in May I have not needed to add water to the reservoir.  Although the soil area has not been flooded, rain has kept the tank full or nearly full right through winter and spring.  The onions have been fine, but the worm farm has been very wet and the rotting material has attracted vinegar flies and generally high insect activity