My wife and I went to the Floriade festival in Canberra for a few days last week. The weather was perfect and the mass plantings of spring flowers, mainly bulbs, were absolutely stunning. We had a great time. While we were away, I set my seedling minipots about 10mm into the soil of one of my Ecobeds. The soil was in good condition ready for planting a new crop and kept the seedlings well watered. In fact, they prospered so well that it made me think a purpose built bed to keep my seedlings growing without constant attention would be worth the effort. So here it is, the Mini Ecobed. More..... |
Welcome; I'm a keen organic gardener, and I use Ecobeds to make my vegetable patch drought resistant, sustainable and productive. I use homemade compost and compost tea to make my plants healthy and pest resistant without using poisonous chemicals. My main aim is to make gardening easy and to produce wholesome delicious food for my wife and myself. Happy gardening. John Ashworth 1st February 2020.