Tuesday, 15 September 2015

September 2015.

This months veggie patch update coincides with a spell of warmer weather.  Growth is accelerating and remains healthy despite increased activity from garden pests.
The veggies in Ecobed 1 are growing strongly and we are harvesting lettuce and silverbeet.  The first sign of blackfly on my onions has been addressed with a foliar spray of Eco-neem oil.  The beetroot are big enough to thin taking out baby beets up to 50mm diameter.  The rest will be grown to maturity.  The carrots are reaching a size big enough to start harvesting them and making space for the maincrop.
Ecobed 2 is full of potatoes, but there are no "tell tale" shoots yet, so no photograph.  Ecobed 3 has been very productive with lots of broccoli and cabbage harvested, and  I have a succession of seedlings waiting to take their turn in the bed.  Overall I have a 3 months supply of cabbage, lettuce and cauliflower seedlings in the pipe line.
Ecobed 4 has broad beans and climbing peas in flower, and the dwarf peas are about 150mm tall.  They are healthy and pest free at the moment, but our weather has been very wet and overcast so I will be looking for the first signs of powdery mildew.  Hopefully the mildew will be kept at bay by the regular foliar sprays of aerated compost tea I have been applying in recent months.
My meyer lemon didn't make it after nearly drowning 18 months ago, and I think I may have re-potting it once too often.  Anyway, I'm temporarily growing veggies in the bed and have made a removable pest exclusion frame to keep them protected.
We are only 2 weeks into spring and the rhubarb has taken off.  It is usually attacked by harlequin beetles at this time of the year, so I will need to be vigilant.